  • 机智鸟JZN.COM-记账报税机器人,用科技让复杂的记账更简单,机智鸟JZN.COM,智能记账工具,打造财务机器人第一品牌,怀着“用科技让复杂的记账更简单”为使命,借助人工智能和大数据技术,将企业财税领域“标准业务智能化、非标业务去专业化”,让企业能够自助式的完成账税处理工作,做到简单、可靠,账务更规范,费用更优惠,助力企业主在财务岗位上省心、省力、省钱。,-www.jzn.net


    Wit bird JZN.COM-charge to an account tax robot, with science and technology to complex bookkeeping more simple, wit bird JZN.COM, intelligent accounting tools, build financial robot first brand, with "make complicated bookkeeping with technology simpler" for the mission, with the help of artificial intelligence and big data technology, the enterprise tax field "standard business intelligence, non-standard business to professional", let enterprises to self-help zhang tax processing work, do simple, reliable, accounting more standard, cost more favorable, power business owners in financial jobs worry, saving, save money.,-www.jzn.net
