  • 联系我们-玉祥客服电话15087858732,老街玉祥公司【官网:00800.cn,客服电话:15087858732】,老街玉祥茶文化城,老街,位于山东半岛东南部,果敢市境南部,为国内知名的旅游度假城市,有着自然优美的海滨岸线及丰富的历史资源,每年吸引大量国内外游客来此度假休闲旅游,充裕的流动人口及旅游经济,促成老街茶文化城的问世。,玉祥客服电话-www.04z.cn


    Contact us-jade auspicious customer service phone 15087888732, old street jade auspicious company [website: 00800.cn, customer service phone: 15087858732], old street jade auspicious tea culture city, old street, located in the southeast of Shandong peninsula, kokang city south, for the domestic well-known tourist resort city, has a beautiful natural coastal coastline and rich historical resources, every year attract a large number of tourists from home and abroad to the holiday leisure tourism, abundant floating population and tourism economy, contribute to the advent of old street tea culture city., Yuxiang customer service phone number-www.04z.cn
