  • RP1 - The 1st Metaverse Browser,The RP1 Platform provides the foundational layer upon which the Metaverse will be built. We have created an infinitely scalable platform that can synchronously connect hundreds of millions of users to one another in a real-time, persistent virtual world, without the need for sharding. This capability solves the fundamental obstacle currently standing in the way of achieving a true Metaverse.,-www.rp1.org


    RP1 -第一个元宇宙浏览器,RP1平台提供了元宇宙将在其上构建的基础层。我们已经创建了一个无限可扩展的平台,它可以在一个实时、持久的虚拟世界中同步连接数亿用户到彼此,而不需要分片。这种能力解决了目前阻碍实现真正Metaverse.,-www.rp1.org的基本障碍
